Are You Proud of Being Busy with Work?

How often does the phrase “I’m so busy” or “Work is kicking my butt” come out of your mouth? Do you notice a little tingly feeling running down your spine as you muster these words? There is certainly a sense of pride associated with being busy with work. But how many of us are working all those long ours just for works sake? In other words, how many of us are busy with work just to feel productive and not appear lazy? Working for long hours on the financial reports for Company X does not necessarily mean it is important and the world will stop spinning without it being done. 

Time is by far our most valuable asset. It is so finite. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to create more time for yourself. I’m sorry folks we can not add an 8th day to the week and call it “newday.” You can eat healthy, exercise and live an overall healthy lifestyle in an attempt to live long and prosper. Help me, Spock. You can also stop wasting time on work you really don’t need to be doing. Come on, you know you do it. Just admit it! So many of us are repeat offenders of poor time management and have even become wasteful with our time. Especially at work. Ask yourself a few questions. Is reviewing that expense report for a third time going to reveal something new? Is rewriting the same email 14 times going to get your point across more effectively? Probably not.

Interviews with some of our wisest elderly population have asked questions reflecting on some of their biggest regrets in life. One common conclusion: “I worked too much.”

I know many of us have bosses and have to abide by rules. We’re expected to arrive at a certain time and leave at a certain time. But many employers are beginning to make a shift and realizing that overly long work hours are actually hindering productivity. Bosses are encouraging breaks every 90 minutes, long lunches and remote work. Employee perks (see Google, Apple, Starbucks etc) are boosting  the morales of work teams across the globe and companies are realizing that taking care of employees is a yellow brick road to success. The theory is appreciated employees will work harder for you. But hopefully they will work smarter and not harder.

I want to tell you all about a great book I read recently called The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I know the title sounds insane but it is truly a great read and his strategies and approaches regarding life as a whole are terrific. I encourage anyone and everyone to give it a read because there is truly something in it for everyone. Good day folks.