One thing we (young professionals) should Do.

So you’re young and you’re a professional. Maybe you just graduated college. Maybe you’re a few years out like me. All of our lives, and especially in college and the early years of our careers we hear the cliché phrase probably every day. “It is not what you know, but who you know.” More and more I am beginning to understand why we hear this phrase so much. It’s because it’s true. Point is you can be a complete schlub (is that the correct spelling?) at whatever it is you do and still be successful because of a strong network. I also feel as if many people don’t realize the potential of my following tip until later in their careers. So here it goes:

1. Join a business network group. Many areas have network groups that hold regular meetings and opportunities for professionals to get to know other professionals. An even more niche approach is a network group specifically for young professionals. For instance, down here in Sunny South Florida, there is a network group called Young Professionals of the Palm Beaches. They meet monthly and have a wide range of members with various careers. The meetings are fun and encourage engaging in conversations with other young professionals. It’s always a smart move to meet new people. You really never know who you are going to run into. The more people you know, the more likely you’ll know someone who may be able to help you with your career.

And guess what, many of the memberships require only an application and a cheap fee to join and attend these regular meetings. You never know what opportunities can arise out of these networking events. Then obviously you should ATTEND these available meetings on a regular basis and do what is required to be a part of it. Maybe you’ll meet the next Steve Jobs. Hey, ya never know. d2 signing off.